About Candice
I love making a positive impact on individuals and the world!
My journey empowering business owners and high-performing entrepreneurs began several years ago. However, my real journey with connecting with my intuition began in 1996.
While home from work one day to heal an injury, I stumbled across a TV show about connecting to your angels. Intrigued, I decided to follow what the experts were telling me to do and discovered that I had an immediate connection where I received information.
I started to realize that the information I was receiving from my angels and guides was powerful and valid when my mother ended up in the hospital intensive care. Her care and medical situation were complicated. She had a team of doctors helping her, but it was my guides that provided me with information about my mother that I knew I needed to share with her medical team.
In the wee hours of one morning after a very bleak night, I came across one of her doctors. I decided to tell the doctor what my guides were telling me about what was going wrong with my mom's health (I kept out that I was getting guidance from my "angels and guides").
Designing programs to highlight the superpower that each of us is born with, our intuition, and teaching people to harness the strength of that, makes me truly the happiest I have ever been.